Tuesday, June 24, 2008

More Cycling

We went to see Granny and Grandpa at the end of last week. On Saturday morning I wanted to go visit my friends Charlie and Ellie but we couldn't so Granny suggested we take my Puky along the cycle path between Kingussie and Newtonmore. We drove down to the cycle path and ended up going almost all the way to Newtonmore before finding a place suitable to stop and get out.

I started cycling along the cycle path. It was a good path and I was able to build up a nice speed. Nice enough that Daddy had to really run to keep up with me! After about half a mile Mummy and Daddy decided it would be better if Mummy went back and got the car. They'd thought I'd just go a few hundred yards and come back but I was having too much fun and after all, we were heading back to Kingussie anyway, why would I turn and go back?

We met Mummy further up but I still wasn't finished. I kept going all the way to Kingussie! Then Daddy put the bike in the car and sent Mummy home because I wanted to walk back to Granny and Grandpa's. It was a good trip. Mummy reckons I cycled and walked about 3 miles. It sure did tire me out though - more on that next time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Daddy looks most impressive