Friday, June 06, 2008

Edinburgh Castle

We went to Edinburgh Castle yesterday. Daddy had the day off because he had to work at the weekend and since it was such a lovely day, the one o'clock gun was calling. The one o'clock gun was what I was most excited about. We saw some of the older cannons when we went into the castle and Daddy showed me the nice new cannon that they'd use at one o'clock. We then went to see Mon's Meg and from its high vantage point we had a good view of the new cannon. I wanted to stay and watch the one o'clock gun but Mummy and Daddy said it was going to be a long wait so we had a look around some other bits of the castle first. But I was really just interested in making sure we saw the cannon being fired so soon we made it back to Mon's Meg and waited for the firing of the new cannon. And waited. Excitedly. And the man came out with his big bullet and set it up. He pointed it up in the air. And waited. Daddy warned me that it would be loud and I'd get a fright but I just kept asking when it was going to happen? What is the man waiting for? Will he fire is soo BANG! It was lucky Mummy was holding on to me...

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