Monday, June 30, 2008

Bad Influence

They say that a picture paints a thousand words. Well here are a couple of thousand for you...

We went to see Auntie Carol and Uncle Dave last weekend while we were up north. It was a great day so we spent it outside and Uncle Dave corrupted me with a bow and arrow (I was careful not to bow and arrow anyone) and a ride on his motorbike. I've requested a leather jacket for Christmas.

I also played for a wee bit on their hill. Yes, it's another Auntie with a hill in her garden (remember Auntie Vikki has one too) but Auntie Carol's is more of a mountain in comparison. It's wild and has a cliff and trees too (which a few arrows were almost lost in). The grass is long on the hill and it was a lot of fun to walk in it and have it tickle my face. I was playing in it, making a nest and I wanted Auntie Carol to come play with me. Strangely, she didn't, even with this invitation: "I'm making a nest for you. A big nest. For your big bottom."

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