Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blackness Castle

We visited Blackness Castle last Sunday. It's an interesting castle with a lot of stairs! Stairs are great at the best of times, not only because it really scares Mummy when I'm climbing them, but they usually take you to an interesting room. And at Blackness Castle they even take you to the roof of the tower - where you can have a sword-fight in peace! Just check out me getting the better of Daddy. It's less embarrassing for him that the camera memory ran out before I delivered the final blow!


Blackness Castle is right on the coast of the Firth of Forth and you can walk out over the water on a jetty that I don't think they would have used when the castle was built. Daddy says it was added in the early 1800s when the castle was used as an armoury. The castle had the thickest walls I've ever seen and these mean that there's still a lot of the castle standing and loads of rooms to look in. There are even a lot of windows but they don't all have just glass in them - they have little doors that you can open and close, they are a lot of fun.

When we left the castle we played in the gardens for a wee while. There's a lot of grass and it just begs you to run around in it so I got Mummy and Daddy to chase me and made complete fools of them. At least that's what the old lady and gentleman laughing at them said!

By the way, that slideshow might be a little small on some of your screens. If you follow the link on the right to Photoshop Photos you should be able to see it bigger.

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