Monday, April 30, 2007

Climb Every Mountain

This is a picture of me on my new climbing frame. It's a present from Mummy and Daddy and Granny and Grandpa. It's really good fun and gives me something to do in the garden when Mummy and Daddy are losing the battle with the weeds.

It's a funny, although slightly embarassing, story about when I got it. Mummy and Daddy brought me home from the nursery and in the back gate as normal. I stomped up the garden path and stopped about half way and turned to give Mummy and Daddy their instructions. They're not very disciplined and it's necessary for me to instruct them into the house at night. They've got to wait until I walk to the door and then I will call them - one at a time - to join me. Once we're all on the top step, I decide who gets to open the door. Almost every night I've got to raise my voice to them as they think they can just do as they please. Anyway, this night was no exception. When I turned around to see what they were doing, Mummy was struggling with the gate lock. Once I'd torn a strip or two off her and she'd caught up with Daddy I turned to head for the door. When I turned and looked up, there in front of me, just two feet away was this huge, great, multi-coloured climbing frame! I think Mummy had been distracting me with that gate nonsense because it couldn't have been there when I entered the garden and walked up the path. I couldn't have missed it... Could I?

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