Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Birthday to me!

It's my third birthday today! I'm three! I got lots of presents from loads of the family and they're all great. Mummy made this fantastic Dinosaur Birthday Cake. I picked it out of the cake book and it's just what I wanted. Gran and Grandad and Auntie Vikki and Uncle Ian were here yesterday and after playing in the park on the climbing frame and with the kite (when Grandad let me have a go) we put candles on the cake and I foofed them out and then we had some. It's chocolate cake and very yummy. So technically we had the cake before my birthday but it'll take at least three days to finish it all (at the rate Mummy and Daddy eat it) so that's OK.

After opening all my presents we went to Deep Sea World in North Queensferry. It was excellent! Especially since I didn't want to go after Mummy told me I'd have to go under the water. But it turned out she didn't mean in the water. They have a great tunnel that's underneath all the fish and they have sharks too. Lots of really cool fish and even some Nemos. I had a great time. Shame it's not my birthday every day.

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