Sunday, April 08, 2007

Holiday Part 3: Revenge of the Holiday

On Friday we went to Highland Wildlife Park and saw lots of interesting animals. Unfortunately it was a bit colder on Friday and rain came on so we didn't see all the animals but we did drive around the enclosure and I got to sit on Mummy's knee instead of strapped into my own seat. I wanted to drive but Mummy and Daddy said no. We saw lots of stuff but here are some pictures of a Highland Cow eating a pheasant and a reindeer eating a car. But the best were the baby wild boar. Too cool.

After seeing them we took a walk with one of the rangers to see and learn about some of the other animals. We saw the Wildcat, the Capercaillie and the Pineapple Pine Smartie Pine Marten.

In the afternoon we went to the park and also flew the new kite we got while at Loch Insh. At least Mummy and Daddy flew the kite. I played in the largest mountain of sand you'd ever seen. I think it was for the Shinty pitch (where we were flying the kite) but I didn't care! Check me out on the balance beam. It didn't really need Daddy's help - you know my balancing prowess - but Daddy insisted...

On Friday night we came home again to get ready for Auntie Lesley and Uncle Roger arriving on Saturday. It's been all go.

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