Sunday, September 06, 2009

Our Dynamic Earth

Mummy and Daddy took me to Our Dynamic Earth yesterday. I was *really* excited about going and couldn't wait but I was also a bit worried about what might be there and if it might be scary. I suggested that Mummy goes in and Daddy and I wait outside until she comes out but they didn't agree to that.

When we went in, the man said we were going in a time machine and going 15 thousand million years back in time - that scared me a bit. The time machine was like a big lift and it went slowly down as it went back in time with lots of images of the olden days showing and then lots of stars. When it stopped we were shown into the Captain's space ship and watched a film about the making of the universe from the beginning of time and I was still worried about what was happening to us and hoping we'd get out safely. The next section was another film about the formation of Earth with volcanoes and the floor moved and I was starting to get a bit more used to it but still hoping it would finish soon.

After that there was a really good section where we could play on computers and learn about evolution and dinosaurs and the destruction of the dinosaurs (but I already knew this from my dinosaur book - I was able to answer all the questions right first time). This was my favourite part and I really liked seeing the sculptures of the beasts. Check out the size of this dinosaur leg - it's a brontosaurus.
The next section was about the sea and was quite boring but after that it was about ice and there was a big iceberg inside the room - a real iceberg that was massive and when I touched it it made my hand all squishy and soft because it was so cold.

After that it was the shop, and when Daddy finally managed to get Mummy out, we had lunch there and I had some really nice sausage, chips and beans. Yum!

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