Saturday, September 12, 2009


Earlier this year we planted 6 sunflowers and looked after them in the conservatory and they grew really well... Until we went to Disney Land. They suffered. Although a friend was watering them, it was a really hot week and they roasted in the conservatory. Only one plant had any chance of making it and Daddy potted it out into a bigger pot in the garden and let nature take its course. It took a couple of weeks but it started to grow again and now, after a rather long and worrying wait, look at what we've got! It's a really cool and very yellow sunflower. And check out the size of it! It's bigger than Daddy. I wonder how big it would have been if we'd planted it out before we went to Disney Land..? And look, it's even attracting the bees - Mummy is happy!

1 comment:

Auntie Lesley of Hadfield said...

It's looking a bit better than our sunflower, Edan - we'll try to get a picture of it to send you.