Sunday, September 20, 2009

Non Conformity

I really like school. And I look really cool in my school uniform. Mummy asks me every morning if I'd like to wear shorts or trousers and I have a look outside to see if it's sunny or not. I much prefer to wear the shorts so any hint of sunshine and the trousers stay in the drawer. I look so cute in the shorts, did I tell you about the time the primary seven girls told me in the playground that I was cute?!

Anyway, school uniform is fine but when I get home I feel the need to rebel a bit. I've found a good way to do that is to wear socks that don't match! In keeping with my ability to still look cool (don't get that from Daddy, that's for sure) I retain a "theme". In this photo it's stripes; sometimes it's solid colour, sometimes it's different socks with monkeys and other times I'll mix different pairs of Ben 10 sock or different pairs of Indiana Jones socks. On the day I wore the socks in this photo I went on the bungy bouncer again - I'm sure the lady thought my socks were cool and not that my Daddy was just bad at getting me dressed…

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