Saturday, August 29, 2009

Canal Cycling

We went for a long cycle today along the canal. We parked at my friend's house (they were out) because it's near the canal and then went out for about an hour. I was on the tag-along behind Daddy's bike and helped most of the time which made it much easier for Daddy. We went as far as the wee island with the little castle and then turned to come back. When we turned back the wind was in our faces and Daddy found it very difficult - even with me helping, we were getting slower and slower as Daddy got hungrier and hungrier and I almost thought we wouldn't make it back to the car but Mummy came to the rescue (better late than never!). Even though Mummy was pulling me while riding Daddy's bike we were still faster than Daddy on Mummy's bike - I'll take emergency rations for Daddy next time.

Here's a (phone) photo of us on the viaduct. I obeyed the rules and got off the bike but Mummy was showing her rebellious side and continued cycling.

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