Thursday, August 06, 2009

Highland Wildlife Park

We went to the Highland Wildlife Park while at Granny and Grandpa's this week. It's quite different from the last time we were there. The last time it was really just animals which were native to the highlands of Scotland, it's now more of an extension of Edinburgh Zoo. Making use of the space they have there to give (in my opinion) better homes to some of the animals.

They have Amur Tigers who have 3 cubs and they're absolutely amazing in a lovely large wooded enclosure. They look really happy and relaxed - not like the pacing tigers I saw cooped up in Edinburgh's enclosure.

They've also got Snow Monkeys with their own large lake to swim in; Red Pandas (which you can see even when they're not being fed (again - not like Edinburgh) and several other non-Scottish (but interesting) animals. They're also getting Mercedes, the polar bear, from Edinburgh Zoo next month and she has a lovely large enclosure at Kincraig - can't wait to go back and see her.

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