Monday, May 19, 2008

Spiderman III

Continuing the spiderman series (see 1 and 2). Daddy and I went to Fife on Saturday to see Gran and Grandad. We had loads of fun. Daddy played their Wii Fit until he knocked uncle Ian off the high score on all the games. Then we all went for a long walk to Timmons Park. They have some really good climbing frames there and a super slide. We all had a play on some of the things, all the adults managed to make fools of themselves but only Gran got caught by the street wardens!

I had a go on a kids climbing wall and managed to climb all the way up to the top with almost no help. It was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to Mummy and Daddy taking me climbing properly. I think I'll be really good at it. As you can see from this photo expertly taken by Auntie Vikki it was much higher than Daddy and I made it all the way up.

It was a lot of fun but a very tiring day. We had to walk quite a long way to the park and it seemed much longer home to Gran and Grandad's again because it was all uphill! On the way home I fell asleep in the car and when we got home Daddy says he was completely unable to wake me, I was so sleepy. I woke a wee while later though and enjoyed the rest of the evening playing Star Wars on the PS2 with Daddy.

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