Friday, May 16, 2008

Errmmmm. DO YOU KNOW?!

This is really a post for Mummy. She's missing all the cute words I used to say and finally getting "finger" was the last straw. So here's a short catalogue of (hopefully) all the words I used to get wrong (in no particular order)...

Singer (with a hard g) - finger
Ebalop/ephalant - elephant
Hippomotamus - hippopotamus
Sank you - thank you
Akstident - accident
Nanana - banana
Pocuter/pyoongcooter - computer
Bampa - grandpa
Ganny - granny
free - three
foots - feet
teef - teeth
foof - blow
hodilay - holiday
invunisations - immunisations
chicken on a stick - chicken satay
fuge - huge
icnormous - enormous
Feuph - Phew
betend - pretend
capastrophe - catastrophe
I-areen - Irene
pokes - spikes
betato - potato
icnore - ignore
ic least - at least
sucuum cleaner - vacuum cleaner
constructions - instructions
combinate - combine

If any readers remember any others then please comment and I'll add them to the list.

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