Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Craigmillar Castle

We went to Craigmillar Castle at the weekend. We were quite lucky because it was another lovely day - little cloud still to burn off by the time we got there but very warm. We were lucky because on the way home the heavens opened and we had an hour or so of thunder storms. But that's all academic because it was lovely enough when we were out to enjoy a while exploring an amazing castle after a superb picnic lunch in the castle garden.

Craigmillar Castle is brilliant. It's a ruin but still quite intact with lots of stairs and rooms to explore. You can get all the way up to the ramparts (and the castle toilets - the holes at the side - don't smell of wee like St Andrews did).

Daddy and I had the necessary sword-fight at the top of one of the towers. As you can see from the slideshow below, he won this time...

It really is an excellent castle though. It's got two trees growing just inside the castle doors. I doubt they're original features but they do help add to the majesty of it all now. And they're very climbable!

Check this out too (below). It's near the prison and I said it was the prisoners' telly. Daddy says it's a bread oven but I'm not so sure he's right. What do you think?

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