Sunday, July 01, 2012

Randolph's Leap

Day one of our holiday and it's pouring with rain! The Sat Nav had brought us here via the scenic route yesterday so we knew Logie Steading and Randolph's Leap weren't very far away and Dad had found that there were some Geocaches there so off we went. We had a bit of lunch in the cafe at Logie Steading and then headed for the walk to Randolph's Leap. Luckily it was almost all under the cover of the trees so we made it there and back almost completely dry - not bad for a two hour walk in pouring rain!

Once back to Logie Steading, Mum went looking in the shops and Dad and I played at the park!

Finding one of the geocaches:

Some of the views over the River Findhorn from the path we walked:

The flood stone marking the height of the flood in 1829. You can't tell from this picture because there's no context but it was *really* high!

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