Friday, July 06, 2012


Last full day of the holiday today so we got out to the beach nice and early. It was a nice day too. Dad built a very nice sandcastle and while we waited for the tide to come in and fill the moat he buried me in the sand! One of my 50 things to do before I'm 11 and 3/4s is to bury someone else in the sand but all that digging really isn't so much fun as being buried yourself! Unfortunately, he'd taken so many photos on his phone this holiday that he ran out of space so evidence is more limited than any of us would have liked here.

Interestingly, it turned out the castle had been built on a bit of a sand bank so the water begun to surround us! We braved it out though and stayed long enough to see the castle be destroyed by the sea.

We stopped off at the Findhorn Bakery for lunch which was really tasty and then in the afternoon it was out for some more geocaches.

This is near a memorial just outside Kinloss:

This is a massive Pictish stone in Forres. We drove past it every day and Dad hadn't seen it!

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