Tuesday, July 03, 2012


We had a busy and full day today. The weather was looking not too great so we avoided the beach and headed into Forres for a look around and to scoop up a couple of geocaches. It's a beautiful wee town with a wonderful church and the greatest park and while we were there the sun came out making it look all the more lovely.

There's an interesting couple of shops next to each other. I fancied a pie and a hair cut but Dad hauled me away so fast my feet didn't touch the ground...

One of the caches was near the river where they have lots of lovely bridges to play Pooh sticks on!

We found an excellent restaurant for lunch where I had fish and chips and Dad had a massive burger. I tried to tell him not to eat it all because all he'd want to do all afternoon was sleep but it was so good he wouldn't listen to me. I didn't let him sleep though!

 After lunch we headed for Grant Park for another cache. This was a really gorgeous park on the edge of a wooded hill. I did a wee bit of tree climbing and a lot of running about. We looked for ages for the cache but couldn't find it. Eventually I had to leave Mum and Dad and go play on the climbing frame while they continued looking. They didn't find it that day and we had to return later in the week for them to eventually track it down!

After Forres, we headed back to Findhorn to do some crab fishing! This would turn out to be the highlight of the holiday! We'd met some boys on Monday who were doing it and told us where to get a line and net so we arrived at the pier at what must have been the best time because we caught loads of crabs! I'd paid attention yesterday and knew how to pick them up once they'd been caught. I just threw them back in to be caught again later!

Once the tide had gone out, there was still enough time to hit the beach. I said it was a busy day! So off to the beach we went, on with the wetsuit and into the sea while Dad built a sandcastle.

And then I got an opportunity to soak him! Here's some video evidence of that..!

I think there's more video on Mum's camera and if we get around to uploading that it'll be added to this post.

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