Saturday, April 21, 2012

Tree Climbing at Beecraigs

After a day spent mostly indoors, we headed out late in the afternoon to Beecraigs to check out their new park. It's been complete for months but on our previous attempts to visit, all car parks, including overflow car parks, have been full (and I've been asleep in the back of our car) so we've just come away again. Today that wasn't the case though!

We played a lot on the zip line and Dad and I climbed the climbing frame. He won the race. At least, he's typing this and that's what will be recorded in history.

Dad got his phone out and decided we should try to collect a geocache or two. I didn't really want to leave the park but Mum and Dad insisted and I'm glad they did! We passed a wee pond with lots of fish in it - we'd need to return to that with my net to get another of my 50 things to do before I'm 11 and 3/4. We headed into the wood to find the cache and it was a lot like exploring. And then cache was in a very cool tree and I had to climb it to get to the cache! It was great fun! Can't wait to come back.

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