Sunday, April 22, 2012

Fishing at Beecraigs

I said we'd be back! It's been a really nice day today so we've come back to Beecraigs to do some fishing. That's another of the 50 things to do before you're 11 and 3/4 done!

There were plenty little fish to see but they are extremely difficult to catch. Luckily there was another young lad there who'd caught a few and was able to teach us the knack - you have to be extremely quick and just lunge the net straight in and under them. That technique took a lot of mastering and after Mum and Dad had managed to catch a fish or two each it was looking like I might not succeed. But then, just before we had to leave to come home, I caught one!

We also saw frogs and a couple of leeches while we were there. The other boy picked up the leech! Rather him than me. I got to have a frog in my hands which was really cool. I'm still not sure who had more fun there though - me or Mummy!

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