Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fife Coast

Today we had to go to Fife. Mum had a thing she had to do in the morning so Dad and me went to see Gran and Grandad for a few hours and then after picking her up we all had to go looking at curtain fabric at a place in Kirkcaldy. Luckily Dad let me plays games on his iPhone or I think I'd have gone mad. It's bad enough with Dad going mad without me doing it too.

Anyway, remarkably, when we finished looking at curtains (and leaving empty-handed) it had turned into a beautiful sunny day. Dad took us home the scenic route and we stopped a couple of times - once at the beach at Kirkcaldy and once under the Forth Bridge. It was all really very pretty, fun and cool.

I am in the first two pictures. Can you see me?

The moon is in the next two pictures - can you spot it?

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