Friday, July 16, 2010

National Museum of Scotland

It was the first day of the summer holidays for Daddy today. After my last swimming lesson we came home and then got the train into Edinburgh and visited the National Museum. A lot of it is closed for refurbishment but when it opens it should have some dinosaurs - I can't wait for that! But we were actually here to see the Lewis Chessmen.

They have a large chess set in the foyer when you go in, I was playing a game against Daddy when another boy wanted to play so Mummy, Daddy and me played against him. He was good but we beat him!

We eventually found the Lewis Chessmen and I was really amazed by them. They are so cool. They're made from walrus tusks and some of them are whale teeth. I'd like a set of chess pieces like these!

There was a section of the museum setup for kids with lots of things to play with. We played in that area for ages lifting ourselves with pulleys and firing rockets into the air with air pressure and seeing things glow under black-lights. It was great fun. I can't wait to visit the museum again but it really needs dinosaurs to be a real museum. Maybe Mummy and Daddy can take me to the museum in London some time...

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