Thursday, July 22, 2010

Eathie Fossil Beach

Following on from yesterday's Hugh Miller cottage visit, today we went to Eathie beach where fossils are still quite easy to come across. You park at the end of a long path and then make your way down to the beach. Fortunately we really had no idea how far down it was to the beach or we most likely wouldn't have gone! After a long walk, we finally made it. This is the view after quite a long way and still not at the bottom:

At the bottom, the tide was just on its way out so not a lot of the shale containing the fossils was exposed but it soon was. We walked a short way along the beach and managed to find quite a lot of shale, many with ammonite fossils exposed. This was great for everyone except Daddy who was going to have to carry our spoils back up that very long walk up that very steep hill.

We had some lunch and I got my picture taken by the fishing bothy to prove we'd been here. This was for the geocache. It was a special geocache called an earthcache that led us here and we're so thankful. We all had a lot of fun and are very pleased withour finds.

But then came that walk up the hill. Daddy promised me 5 stars if I could stay close to him and not complain all the way up and he stormed on with his heavy bag of rocks. We both left Mummy puffing behind, red-faced from effort and Daddy now wishes he'd taken a photo of that! Eventually we made it to the top with Mummy earning a few stars as well for her efforts and only I made it without wheezing like an old person!

It really was great and I'd love to go back. Apparently in the opposite direction to the one we went there's a great stream and waterfall and the chance to find different and better fossils but I can't see Mummy and Daddy agreeing to face that climb again!

I'll add some photos of the fossils later...

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