Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What's up, Doc?

Mummy's got a couple of pet rabbits now. They live in the sitting room in a massive cage. The cage is big enough for me to live in! They're called Elliot and... MUM! What's the other one called today?

Mummy can't decide on a name for the little girl rabbit. When it arrived (she got them from a rabbit rescue so they had names) it was called Twinkle. Mummy's not too keen on that name. It doesn't help that the rabbit reminds her so much of one of her old rabbits that she's called it Magic more than anything else. I think she's attempting to call it Emily, which more suits Mummy's style and goes a bit better with Elliot too, I think. Daddy's taking to calling it Emaybe until Mummy settles on the final name.

The rabbits love me when they get out. So long as I have food for them. I suspect Mummy might not be feeding them enough as they're almost rabid rabbits if you've got a nice bit of cabbage in your hand. They're sweet though and don't mind being stroked or a little boy jumping around with them on the sitting room carpet so I've forgiven them for stealing all my play area. Can't wait for Daddy to get the new telly in the family room though!

Here's a couple of photos - Elliot in the first and Twinkle/Magic/Emily in the second.

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