Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Ruthven Barracks

We were at Ruthven Barracks on Friday morning. It's a great ruined barracks (that you can read more about if you follow that link so I'm not going to give you a history lesson). There's lots of rooms to explore and the greatest picture of how it would have looked when acting as a functioning garrison with lots of little black stick-men attacking from the horizon and little black stick-men with red coats defending the garrison. The middle soldier on the front ramparts had unfortunately been killed. Or was asleep on the job.

Daddy and I took the opportunity to play at Knights while we were there. We forgot the lightsabers so couldn't be Jedi Knights - we had to be Playmobil Knights instead. Daddy, since he hadn't shaved and had prickles, had to be the Barbarian. And since I've got blonde hair (and couldn't be Luke Skywalker) had to be the goodie Knight. Once I defeated Daddy we headed home for some hot chocolate and shortbread. Yummy.

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