Saturday, April 12, 2008

Birthday Party Karma

It was my birthday party today. We had it at Linlithgow Leisure Centre. We started in the soft play area and run amok there for an hour getting pretty hot. Then we moved into the hall for some food and a lot of running around playing with balloons and the excellent-fun pilates balls! We were all having a whale of a time and then Mummy and Daddy made us stop to play party games. A quick game of pass the parcel and then musical bumps and we could thankfully get back to running around like four-year-olds again.

When we got home, I spent ages opening the wonderful gifts everyone had given me and playing with them all with Daddy. We had great fun. Hopefully I can convince (or guilt-trip if necessary) Mummy and Daddy into another party next year.

I should probably explain the post title, though... Last week was my friend Emma's party. I couldn't go because I was sick so I missed it. Emma was also invited to my party and she turned up today with her Mummy and a present for me but was sick as soon as she arrived in the car park. All over herself, the car and her Mummy apparently. So she popped in to wish me a happy birthday and give me the present then had to go straight home again. Poor Emma, I hope she gets over the bug a little faster than I did. Daddy says he hopes she didn't make too much of a mess of the car.

One other mention has to go to my other friend Emma's Mummy. We have her to thank for the picture of me blowing the candles out on my cake (it's a cool car cake that Mummy got - didn't make this one though). Daddy had left his camera in the car and then since everything was so rushed he didn't have time to go get it. Thank you Emma's mum!

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