Thursday, April 10, 2008

Life begins at 4

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me..!

What a fantastic day I've had today. It's my fourth birthday today and it's been like Christmas here. Mummy made an amazing cake. I picked the cake from her book and she spent all day yesterday making it. Daddy says the air in the kitchen was occasionally blue - not sure what happened to cause that but wish I'd seen it. Mummy says she's never going to make another cake in her life, but I didn't believe her the last couple of times she said that either.

I had forgotten that you sometimes get presents on your birthday so I was extremely excited when Mummy reminded me this morning. We all got dressed (just like Christmas) and then went downstairs together. There was a pile of presents in the middle of the sitting room floor all for me!

First I had to investigate the status of the birthday cake (Mummy was still making it after I went to bed last night). Mummy really had made a good job of it. I was especially pleased with the cannon on top and had to eat that first!

I opened my cards and and then started on the presents. It was a great haul. Lots of Playmobil Knights stuff. My toys were a great match for my cake! There were also some great new books. Mummy and Daddy built my Knights stuff while I played with them.

And then Mummy and Daddy showed me my new BIKE. It doesn't have pedals so that I can learn to go it without stabilisers. It's brilliant but turned out to be a lot harder to ride than Daddy made it look. I'll need quite a bit of practice.

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