Thursday, March 08, 2007

Sunday walk

Last week, Daddy took me for a long walk. We went to Beecraigs Country Park, specifically to the Loch. It's a long walk, 2.25 miles around, which is much further than I've walked before. Daddy was pretty worried he'd have a lot of carrying to do! But I made it all the way, and half of it was in the pouring rain. We left the car park and headed around the loch in a clockwise direction. The first part is through a wee forest which was quite muddy which was a lot of fun because I had my wellies on! At the other side of the loch is a wee fish farm where you can feed the fish. We bought a couple of cups of fish food and went to feed the fish. That's when the torrential downpour started. We sheltered under some trees for a bit but it didn't let up. So we just decided to get wet! We finished feeding the fish and then headed for the car. We were still about a mile or more away so it was a fair distance and by the time we got back we were soaked through. It didn't help that I felt the need to jump in all the puddles on the way back! It was very good fun. The picture is taken just before we got to the fish farm and the rain came on.

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