Sunday, March 25, 2007

Don't drink it if there are bubbles in it

I'm a toddler who enjoys a glass of milk as much as the next toddler. But give me it with bubbles floating in the top and I know it's because you're trying to poison me. Milk shouldn't have bubbles, not even if it's just been poured from a freshly shaken carton. However, I've discovered that if you use a straw, you can avoid the poisonous bubbles and just drink the lovely fresh milk below. You have to get up early to out-smart The Boy. Then of course, I realised that with a straw, I could make my own bubbles. And milk bubbles (especially goats' milk bubbles) are particularly good. Check out this picture, but believe me when I tell you that I got a lot more bubbles and someone (not me!) had to clean the kitchen floor up afterwards. Mummy and Daddy have started to control my milk movements since this happened.

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