Sunday, March 25, 2007

Silver Sands

Mummy and Daddy took me to Aberdour Silver Sands beach today. It was bitter cold and windy. I think Mummy and Daddy were going to just turn and leave again but I insisted they get the kite out. They let me play with the kite for a bit but thankfully someone kept hold of me at all times as the wind was stronger than I had realised.

By the time we put the kite away, Mummy and Daddy really did want to leave but I was having none of it and insisted we go for a walk along the beach. Since the beach is much shorter now (Daddy said it seemed a lot bigger when he was a boy) it wasn't long before we were scrambling along the rocks and slipping on the seaweed. Loads of fun swinging from Mummy and Daddy's arms for me although they didn't seem to be enjoying it so much.

After the beach, we went to see Auntie Vikki and Uncle Ian and went out for some lunch. It was very good to see them because I haven't seen them for a wee while. They go off to America on holiday tomorrow, hopefully they'll bring me a nice present back with them.

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