Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Report Card 2010

Got my report card today. Obviously the scores are excellent but I need the teacher-types that read this blog to decode the stuff my teacher has said...

"Edan quickly settled into the school environment and he has had a successful year in Primary 1. He is a cheerful, caring child and he has developed good friendships with other children. He usually works conscientiously although he has, on occasion, required some support with staying on task and following the school rules, especially during independent activity times. Edan is a confident speaker in all class situations and he is keen to talk about his ideas with others. He effectively contributes to discussions and he answers questions thoughfully. Edan is an enthusiastic reader, who reads aloud confidently and expressively. He often chooses to read books in the story corner. He demonstrates a good understanding of stories, in both oral and written activities, and he is now reading a wider-range of texts, including non-fiction. Edan has original ideas for writing and he can construct sentences independently. He can spell familiar words and is developing his skills in spelling new words for himself, which gives him great satisfaction. Edan has coped very well with the mathematical concepts covered and he works independently to complete tasks. Edan has shown great interest in all our topics and he has contributed his imaginative ideas to the development of these. He has a good knowledge and understanding of a wide-range of subjects and he has enjoyed sharing this with the class. He can use the Smartboard and computer independently. Edan has been an active member of the school's Eco-group this year, a role which has given him a good sense of responsibility and achievement. Well done, Edan!"

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