Friday, January 07, 2011

Yellowcraigs Beach

So, today it was Daddy's turn to insist we go out. A friend of mine came over in the morning and after lunch Daddy wanted to go to a beach and take some photos. He wanted to play with his new filter apparently so off we headed to Yellowcraigs Beach on the south side of Edinburgh. I got a nice long sleep on the way there - I knew there was no need for those long lies that Mummy and Daddy keep insisting I have!

When we arrived at the beach, Daddy got all setup to take his photo and I headed straight for the water with my wellies on. Within 2 minutes I was over the welly heads! And the temperature was 2 degrees! That put paid to Dad's plans!

But while he begun to pack up, I was already wet. I wasn't about to let a bit of sea water spoil a play in the sea - it could only improve upon it after all! So I continued to wade and jump waves and splash for a while while Mummy made friends with another Mummy who was there and Daddy got photos of me (they're always better than the ones he takes without me!). I lasted about 15 minutes and in that time got pretty soaked through. The kind friend of Mummy's helped to empty my wellies and wring out my socks afterwards before we headed back to the car. Mummy had even brought a change of clothes for me (but only slippers so I couldn't go out again).

Daddy says it was all worth it for the sleep I got and the photos he got for this blog post!

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