Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Beecraigs Geocaching

The holidays have been mostly spent indoors. Our plans to go north were scuppered by Mummy getting flu and Grandpa having a fall (get well soon, Grandpa!) and apparently there was no plan B. Luckily, Daddy has bought an XBox 360 so that's filled far too many an hour!

Today, Mummy is feeling a lot better and insisted we go out for a walk in the cold. So off to Beecraigs Loch we headed for a nice stroll and attempt to collect a geocache or two in the area. It didn't seem to matter how much I asked to go to the park at Beecraigs Country Park, The Folks were having none of it and just drove straight to the Loch for a walk with no swings, roundabouts or chutes.

The lack of park didn't matter in the end though. I had loads of fun. Mummy and me looked for lots of interesting things to bring home and the Loch was almost completely frozen over!

We did find one geocache. We were lucky as a few days ago it would have been completely covered in snow! There was a second cache but although we knew where it was, we couldn't find it. It's a tiny one and before we could track it down, some people approached. Geocaching is a secret game and you're not supposed to draw attention to caches so we left. We watched the people though and they were cachers too! They went straight to where we were looking and started looking for the cache too! We'll just have to get it next time we're there.

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