Wednesday, December 01, 2010


I don't think a description of our weather will shock anyone - the whole country has been buried in snow.

Daddy and I were out on the first day for a bit of sledging (sans camera so no evidence but we had a really great time).

Mummy has been out a *lot* shoveling to keep the street clear while Daddy has been "working from home". I don't know how much work he's actually done but it's made a fine excuse to keep him from shoveling with the rest of the neighbours!

He was in Birmingham for work the first Monday and Tuesday of the snow and luckily made it home via train, monorail, plane (to Glasgow rather than Edinburgh), bus, train, bus, digging his car out and driving home. He arrived home at 02:30, about 4.5 hours later than expected. Nothing was going to stop him from attempting to build an igloo for me the next day!

Daddy did pop out to try to get some photographic evidence of the situation. I didn't go with him so there are no photos of me for your viewing pleasure, but the snow has been just too deep for me to get through at times! I did enjoy many days off school and days at school being pulled home on the sledge by Daddy! I could really get used to having this much snow about!

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