Friday, December 10, 2010


I was asking Dad what his favourite boardgame is and he said Monopoly. I'd never heard of Monopoly so he described it to me. Within a couple of short minutes we were playing an imaginary game of Monopoly (and I was winning).

The next day, I made a Monopoly game myself with very little help from Mummy and that afternoon was playing it with a friend. We had so much fun!

And then that evening, Mummy told me that she'd bought a real Monopoly game! We all played and while Mummy and Daddy were trying to be a little tactical, I bought everything I could and then started putting houses on them. The game went on for a few hours (didn't finish it that night, had to finish it the next day) but Mum and Dad had no chance! I bankrupted them mercilessly! Now when I ask Dad what his favourite boardgame is, he doesn't say Monopoly...

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