Monday, May 24, 2010

Water Balloons!

Firstly, a great big THANK YOU to Auntie Lesley and Uncle Roger for bringing me water balloons at some point in the dim and distant past! Mummy had hidden them but Daddy insisted we play with them since the weather is so nice. It took Mummy and Daddy ages to fill a bunch of them up and they got the cloakroom soaked while doing it but eventually we had a bucket full of water balloons and out into the back garden we went.

We carefully threw them back and forward to one another and I even caught one once! Most of the time I either failed to catch them or dropped them and they burst at my feet when they landed on the grass - keeping me mostly dry. Daddy, on the other hand, wasn't quite so successful but it would have been pretty amazing for him to avoid the balloon Mummy launched at him! He failed to return the favour so I suspect this might not be the last of the water balloons this year!

1 comment:

L & R said...

Auntie Lesley and Uncle Roger would just like to say, "You are very welcome" - just glad we could help!