Sunday, May 09, 2010

Blackness Castle II

We went to Blackness Castle this afternoon for a quick visit. Daddy wanted to go to try to get some good pictures but complained that the interesting skies that had been overhead for most of the day had become overcast and spoiled all his photos - that'll teach him to spend the best part of the day watching the Grand Prix.

We had a good look around. It's a while since we've been so I'd forgotten most of it. It's not the greatest castle but perhaps one of the ones that feels most practical. It doesn't appear to be there for grandeur - it's very much a defensive castle, 10 feet thick walls and the courtyard floor isn't even flat! It was quite busy when we were there and Daddy cheekily parked the car outside the shop as there were no spaces in the proper car park!

You can walk around the battlements of the castle and Mummy and me had got in front of Daddy a bit here so we were on our way off the battlements as Daddy was nearing the end. Just so that he'd know, I shouted across the length of the castle at the top of my voice "Daddy - don't climb up there". I don't really know why but he was complaining about folk thinking he was climbing when he wasn't..!

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