Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tom Baraidh Walk

While at Granny and Grandpa's, Daddy and I went for a walk in the Tom Baraidh woods near Granny's house. It's famous for having lots of red squirrels in it and Daddy bet me three stars that I couldn't spot one before he did. We walked for ages, trying to stay quiet so that we wouldn't spook them until we finally had to give up and come back. We hadn't seen any! On the way back we made a bit more noise but the competition was still on to see who would see a squirrel first (there was a separate competition to see who would fall over first since we were looking for squirrels and not watching where we were puting our feet!). Unfortunately, Daddy saw the first squirrel. Double unfortunately, it saw him first and scarpered up the tree (Daddy wouldn't have even seen it if it hadn't made so much noise!). He really wanted to get some pictures but it was so high and deliberately standing behind branches that he couldn't get a good focus on it. We had the same problem with another one we found just before leaving the wood. I think we'll come back though and have this competition again!

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