Sunday, October 04, 2009

Big Man Walking

We went to see Big Man Walking today. He was very cool indeed. A massive blue giant with the greatest shiny tattoos all over. He was very friendly and we took a walk with him along Kirkcaldy high street (and loads of other folk). It was really cool and he met a really interesting friend along the way.

Just to stop you from being too worried, I will just tell you that he's not really real. I think he's a big puppet. I was a little worried as earlier in the week Daddy and I had been watching Harry Potter and I had suggested that we go looking for a Mountain Troll. I was surprised when he agreed. He'd then been talking about it all week and as the day got closer I was starting to get a little scared as Mountain Trolls really aren't very friendly. It was a nice surprise though and the giant was very nice and friendly.

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