Monday, May 18, 2009

Learning to cycle

I've been playing on bikes of some kind or another for a while. But it's become time to get the stabilisers off and cycle like a big boy. I had a few lessons with Daddy in the square outside our house but I wasn't enjoying it much. I wanted my stabilisers back. Daddy was encouraging me to just balance and cycle down the slope to get used to it but I was finding it too difficult and scary.

Then Daddy decided to help me cycle across the square. I had to cycle as it wasn't downhill. Daddy stayed with me at all times in case I fell. We had our first go the day before we went to Disneyland and I really enjoyed it. Then when we came back from Disneyland we went out again and I cracked it! So two lessons and I'm cycling. Can't get enough of the bike at the moment. Mummy and Daddy can't wait for the same breakthrough with the swimming!

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