Friday, April 10, 2009

Elcho Castle

Today, as part of a treat for my birthday and a treat for Auntie Lesley, we went to Elcho Castle. It's about an hour away from here on the road to Granny and Grandpa's where Auntie Lesley and Uncle Roger were going.

It's a great castle, extremely well preserved with lots of rooms, stairs and toilets. In fact, it's got more toilets than all the other toilets from all the other castles we've seen and blogged about put together.

Importantly, it's got room for FIGHTING! And this time Auntie Lesley was my opponent:

As you can see, I soon got the better of her. Girls are easy to beat!

And since I won, she knighted me. Just call me Sir Edanius from now on please!


Sir Auntie Lesley of Hadfield said...

Gadzooks, you did best me in that fight gallant knight but next time I shall be better prepared. By King Arthur and the Knights of Camelot, look to your laurels Sir Edanius for such a slight is not easily forgotten!

Sir Edanius of Murieston said...

Sir Auntie Lesley, thou hast much opportunity to improve. I have now mastered the shield and enrolled the help of some good friends. I would suggest you encourage your squire Roger in his training.