Sunday, March 29, 2009


We had to go to Ikea today to get new furniture for the "family room". I think Mummy and Daddy have this idea that they're going to deck it out with nice shelves to hold all my toys and games and then I'll love to go playing in there and leave them in peace for a while. But I know that Daddy also intends to put his new computer in there and this'll likely monopolise a section of the room. I also know that the telly with Disney Channel is in the living room and that's where I intend to be!

So we were in Ikea. It's not really a fun place for a wee boy. At least it would be if Mummys and Daddys didn't moan when wee boys actually have some fun in the place. They started to moan when I wouldn't move along with them at one point but then they both laughed and had some fun when they saw me pretending to eat dinner at the display. Daddy thought it was very cute!

Later on, I helped design a new kitchen - these desks at Ikea just force the creative juices to flow...

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