Sunday, February 08, 2009


I guess most folk reading this (if you're in the UK) will have enjoyed a tremendous amount of snow recently. Well we haven't. And I don't think I've ever seen Mummy so disappointed (which is really saying a lot). We had a nice 2 or 3 inches of it on Monday with both Mummy and Daddy being sent home from work to save them from being stranded but then there's been nothing more than a couple of dustings since while the rest of the UK have had *loads* of it.

Luckily, Daddy, having sneaked away early from work on Monday came and picked me up from nursery and we did a bit of sledging, built a snowman and had a massive snowball fight (which was particularly good when Mummy joined us). It was really funny when Daddy, having suited up in all his fancy waterproof clothing and walking boots came into the house when we were finished and while waxing lyrical about how dry and warm he still was, took his hat off (which Mummy had hit once or twice with a snowball) and dropped lots of snow down the back of his neck!

It's been just as well we made the best of it on Monday afternoon though as there's been no snow since. Daddy and I even managed to get the car washed yesterday.


Anonymous said...

I've got some photos of your Mummy in the snow when she was a little girl - you look like twinnies!

Sir Edanius of Murieston said...

Excellent! I'd love to see them. Are there dinosaurs as well? Daddy says there were dinosaurs when Mummy was a little girl.

Anonymous said...

I think there MIGHT have been dinosaurs but they were too frightened of Mummy to be in the photographs...