Tuesday, September 02, 2008

BAE Systems Open Day

We went to an open day at Auntie Vikki's work at the weekend. That was great fun! For a start we got to see Auntie Vikki, Uncle Ian, Gran and Grandad but there was also loads of fun stuff to do. It was spoiled a wee bit by the ultra-boring tour of Auntie Vikki's work. They just make some of the most advanced missiles in the british forces there so it's really not very interesting.

But outside they had football mascots (here's me with Sammy the Dunfermline mascot).

There were also fairground-type things for us kids (me and Mummy). Here we are on the tea-cups and the inflatable chute. I had a go on a horse, got some ice-cream, won a balloon by rolling a 2 pence piece onto a star. It was a really tiring day.

On the way out to the car I had a go in a fire engine and then I worked the army's JCB digger and scored a goal by knocking a ball off a traffic cone with the back bucket. It really was a busy day. I didn't want to go home so we went to Auntie Vikki's house for a wee while before going home. Auntie Vikki is very lucky to work at a place with all those games in the car park. I'd like to work someplace like that when I grow up.

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