Saturday, October 05, 2013

Standing Stones

Did you know there were ancient standing stones in Newbridge? Not many people do. Dad drove past them for years when he was at university and had no idea. Typically, it was geocaching that brought them to his attention. He found a cache there with friends a few years ago and didn't claim it at the time because he knew it was somewhere Mum and me would like to come.

However, it's taken him so long to bring us, the cache no longer exists - unsurprisingly, the stones still do though!

It's a single burial mound with three large stones around it. Experts think there used to be a dozen or so stones circling it. It made for a nice walk on a lovely day and I hope it wasn't disrespectful that I did some acrobatics on the burial mound - it wasn't meant to be.

Star jumps:

Cartwheels (you may need to zoom in):

And a cartwheel off the side (into some nettles - serves me right!):

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