Thursday, July 04, 2013

Hopeman Beach

Today we went to meet a friend of Mum's who lives nearby. She had a wonderful house and let me play her harp!

After lunch we headed to Hopeman beach. The weather was nice and there were lots of places to explore; rockpools to investigate; great rock formations and things to climb. This really is a fantastic bit of Scotland's coast and we have been able to spend hours exploring some very small parts of it - it's great fun!

This photo doesn't do the splash justice. The waves were coming in here and being blown very high into the air. We only got a little bit wet!

Dad says these rocks looked like a plough. What you can't tell is that they're at the top of a very large rock that we had a lot of fun climbing up!

This is the other side of that rock.

Then we found this great sand hill which we ran walked struggled up and ran down a few times. At least if Dad did it a few times, I must have done it a few times plus 2!

And then on the walk back to the car, My Folks were unable to keep me out of the sea. Even though I really wasn't dressed for playing in the sea. It wasn't the first time I've been driven home naked, wrapped in a travel rug and I'm sure it won't the last! Luckily my jacket dried before it was really needed again too!

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