Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Old Course

We went to St Andrews today. We can never get enough of St Andrews so it's always great to go back. We parked by the beach and walked along it to the town. Dad was really jealous of this collection of sandcastles!

It was straight to our usual haunt for lunch which was busier than normal and we had to sit upstairs - still excellent food and service though.

They had live music for us this time. They were playing 'Singing in the Rain' but it didn't rain at all!

Don't you just love steps?!

Where's Wally?

Always speak to the folk in the castle mine.

Ice cream. Never come to St Andrews and don't get ice cream. This time we tried Jannettas. This was a first for us but it's the ice cream everyone raves about. It'll be the last though - it's not nearly as good as Luvians where we usually go.

And then we went onto the Old Course. It's Sunday so there is no playing and lots of people milling about the 18th green and fairway. We don't play golf so did our own thing!

And then Mum and I posed for that photo everyone has to take at St Andrews. Funny that we've coming here for years and this is the first time we've done this.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Mad Scientist

Today, I was mostly experimenting...

And then playing Halo. All very grown-up of me, right?!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Water Walking

This great summer weather continues! It was another day in the paddling pool yesterday with some friends - no photos for you guys though as it's not really appropriate to share photos of my friends and I in bathing costumes on here. Maybe if it was just me, because I'm such an exhibitionist, but not them!

Today, Mum and I went into Edinburgh and there we found a water walker - that made quite a fool of me. Now that, I'm happy to share!

And then for lunch - Mussels!

Monday, July 08, 2013

Water Fight

It's still sunny today! Can you believe it?! I've had lots of fun playing on my trampoline and in my paddling pool and this evening I had an amazing water fight with Dad. It might have been more amazing but for him almost choking to death when I threw a cup of water in his mouth while he was breathing in. It's all on video as Mum was filming and laughing at him while he had his near-death experience but I've chosen not to share the traumatic scenes here (email me if you want a copy!).

We both ended up soaked through. I've no idea how we got so wet...

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Summer Barbecue

First day back home and the weather is significantly better than we had while on holiday - typical, right?!

Brilliant day to laze about and have a barbecue for dinner. Man food!

And after the delicious bits of dead animal, we enjoyed roasted marshmallows over the remains of the BBQ coals - brilliant!

Friday, July 05, 2013

Butterfly Hunting

This afternoon we went back to see Mum's friend. After a wee cup of tea we headed out to go butterfly hunting. It was still a lovely day and we went to a really nice area around the flood defences. There were lots of butterflies, moths, birds and beasties - and even some fish!

We had an excellent guide in Mum's friend's son - he knew everything about insects and we learned a lot and caught some really cool beasties. Plus there was lots of fun to be had running around the area and rolling down the hill!

Back to Findhorn Beach

With a fine morning, we headed out to Findhorn beach. I had some more paddling to do and Dad had a better castle to build. It was a great success on a really lovely morning.

Dad's castle was a much better effort and we waited a long time for the tide to come in and engulf it but Dad couldn't keep me at bay forever and I soon beat the tide to its destruction!

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Hopeman Beach

Today we went to meet a friend of Mum's who lives nearby. She had a wonderful house and let me play her harp!

After lunch we headed to Hopeman beach. The weather was nice and there were lots of places to explore; rockpools to investigate; great rock formations and things to climb. This really is a fantastic bit of Scotland's coast and we have been able to spend hours exploring some very small parts of it - it's great fun!

This photo doesn't do the splash justice. The waves were coming in here and being blown very high into the air. We only got a little bit wet!

Dad says these rocks looked like a plough. What you can't tell is that they're at the top of a very large rock that we had a lot of fun climbing up!

This is the other side of that rock.

Then we found this great sand hill which we ran walked struggled up and ran down a few times. At least if Dad did it a few times, I must have done it a few times plus 2!

And then on the walk back to the car, My Folks were unable to keep me out of the sea. Even though I really wasn't dressed for playing in the sea. It wasn't the first time I've been driven home naked, wrapped in a travel rug and I'm sure it won't the last! Luckily my jacket dried before it was really needed again too!

Wednesday, July 03, 2013


We had a bit of a road trip today. After Fochabers Folk Museum, where we saw what life was like when Mum was growing up (!) we headed to the Dolphin Centre at the mouth of the Spey. There were dolphins to see in the sea and had a nice walk along the river. The weather was beautiful - too hot for Dad and that river was very inviting to cool down in! Mum was sensible though and stopped us from taking a dip.

Since we were already on our way along the coast, we decided to head on to Portsoy. Uncle Ian had told us they served the best ice cream in Scotland and we had to find out if he was right. He couldn't be of course. When we arrived in tiny Portsoy it wasn't too difficult to find the ice cream shop. The selection there was massive and the lady who served us was very patient and helpful, allowing us to try anything we wanted and giving great advice on what flavours mixed well and went with the various sauces they had! It took us a while but we eventually left with a couple of scoops of ice cream each and headed for a walk to the old harbour.

The harbour is very cool. There are actually 2 harbours. A new(er) one and the 17th century one. The new is a bit dull although is without doubt the cleanest harbour with the cleanest water I've ever seen. But we had to make our own entertainment there and you know how we feel about rules..!

That sign says "NO ACCESS"!

The 17th century harbour is pretty cool. Great workmanship in the building of it.

And then we headed along the coast a little. Like the rest of the area the coast is beautiful. Take a look at this though - different coloured rocks right next to each other.

And you know what else? It is the best ice cream in Scotland!

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Cove Bay

We returned to Cove Bay today. The last time we were here was in 2010. We checked out the fossilised footprints and while the rocks are still there, they're so weathered you cannot see the footprints anymore. That's such a shame because it was really special.

The Bay is still as special as we remember it, though and what was supposed to be a wee half-hour stop-off turned into a couple of hours exploring. More of the shore and rock was exposed by the tide than last time and it was so interesting.

The tide has sculpted the rocky shore as it's washed rocks around on the surface resulted in deep round bowls and long, interesting channels. Coupled with the cave and tunnel there really is plenty to do here!

Did Someone Say Bacon?!

We tried to go crab fishing yesterday but the weather and tide were having none of it. The weather wasn't a great deal better today but tide times and forecast meant it was worth persevering on the pier in gale force winds!

And it was all worth it!