Thursday, May 19, 2011

School Bear

Klaus the bear came home from school to stay with me today. He's here visiting from Germany and a different person takes him home every day. We show him what we do and write in his journal. He was lucky to come to me on a Thursday as there's *loads* I do every Thursday (lucky for him but not for me as it took forever to write it all in his journal!).

First we did my homework.
Then we built my new Lego.
Then we practiced gymnastics before I had to go to my class.
Then we went to gymnastics class (I made sure he had his seatbelt on).
And then it was home for dinner before bed.
In the morning, we had breakfast and I filled in his journal. It was a lot of fun having him stay but I won't miss having to fill out that journal - this blog is hard enough to keep up-to-date!

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