Sunday, April 10, 2011


Seven at last! Now Mummy has run out of excuses when I ask to play The Incredibles computer game!

I've had a fantastic weekend. Yesterday we went to the Glasgow Science Centre. It was so much fun, we had to leave before seeing all of it. There was a show about perception and I got up in front of the audience and did some dancing under coloured lights to show the impact of colour (I'm so cool!). We built a model of Wallace and Gromit's steam powered wheel chair. We played with lots of displays and I really want to go back.

After the Science Centre, we went to pick up my new bike (pictures to follow). It's a very cool orange mountain bike and luckily just managed to fit in the car to get it home. I'm looking forward to lots of cycle rides on it!

Today, I got lots of lovely presents and we went out for lunch to my favourite place - Franky and Benny's, with Gran and Grandad! And then home for birthday cake. I've had such a good time!

Now, where's that computer game for seven-year-olds?!

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