Sunday, April 24, 2011


Another lovely day today and we did loads. Firstly we went to Aberdour Castle, where I defeated Daddy at fencing and then tired him out chasing him around the gardens before we stopped for a picnic in the grounds.

After the castle, we went to Aberdour beach. I think it's great but Mummy's not impressed and Daddy always says he remembers it being bigger and the sand at the Silver Sands being, well, more silver (and less mucky). Didn't stop him building a castle though and didn't stop me destroying it!

We also picked up a few geocaches including this earthcache. This rock is supposed to look like a lion's head. It kind of does. But not really! It actually looks more like it in this image than it does when you're there...

It was a fab day and Mummy and Daddy are puggled now!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Eggs!

Mummy and me made our own Easter Eggs. We melted some chocolate and then put it in egg molds. We even made one with my name on it. I don't think it made it taste any better unfortunately!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

More Abercrombys

Dad's had another go at taking a picture of the Abercrombys. It's better than the last one but he's still not happy. Maybe he'll have more luck in the summer?

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Bit of chillin' in Granny's garden on a beautiful sunny day today.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I helped Mummy out in the garden today. It's just as well I was there as she was having trouble spelling sweetcorn!

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Seven at last! Now Mummy has run out of excuses when I ask to play The Incredibles computer game!

I've had a fantastic weekend. Yesterday we went to the Glasgow Science Centre. It was so much fun, we had to leave before seeing all of it. There was a show about perception and I got up in front of the audience and did some dancing under coloured lights to show the impact of colour (I'm so cool!). We built a model of Wallace and Gromit's steam powered wheel chair. We played with lots of displays and I really want to go back.

After the Science Centre, we went to pick up my new bike (pictures to follow). It's a very cool orange mountain bike and luckily just managed to fit in the car to get it home. I'm looking forward to lots of cycle rides on it!

Today, I got lots of lovely presents and we went out for lunch to my favourite place - Franky and Benny's, with Gran and Grandad! And then home for birthday cake. I've had such a good time!

Now, where's that computer game for seven-year-olds?!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Mmmm... Spaghetti!

It took a while. I wasn't a pasta fan when I was younger like all kids are supposed to be (I wouldn't want to be like all kids after all). But I do like pasta now, and especially spaghetti!

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Astronomical 2011

It was our gymnastics club annual display today. We had two shows and I was in two routines in each show so it was very tiring but a LOT of fun!

Everyone worked very hard and Mummy and Daddy said it was the best one they'd seen so far.

The first routine was an "I love the 80s" theme with lots of eighties music that I'd obviously never heard before!

The second routine was to the tune of I like to move it and I had to kick that section off - getting up and doing the Running Man step before everyone else - I was awesome!